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Tin Ceilings Sheets Panels Tiles Victorian Styles Metal in Lawrence, Kansas For Sale

Price: $18
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.

Tin Ceiling Tiles
These 2' x 4' sheets are tin-plated steel. The styles range from Art Deco and Americana to Turn of the Century and Victorian. The metal in new and are stamped with original designs. They come in 3", 6", 12" and 24" repeat patterns on these 2' x 4' sheets. They are usually used in kitchens, but can be used in any room of the home. Used as a backsplash, wall coverings, the front of bars, wainscoting and most of all on ceilings. Used residential and commercially. In restaurants and bars. They can also be used in a suspended ceiling.
They come in a shiny silver finish for 18.00 per 2' x 4' panels which is 2.25 per square foot, but also available at a higher cost is a copper finish and many hand-painted faux finishes. Postage and handling is also added. Call for a total price if you know what you want or we can help figure what any area would cost if you have the dimensions and your zip code. Go to the website to see all these beautiful designs and colors: Phone: 713 721 xxxx.

State: Kansas  City: Lawrence  Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in Kansas for sale

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